Regional strategy for medical response as part of the disaster management in case of radiation emergency caused by the war in Ukraine
Bucharest University Emergency Hospital

Prof. Dr. Cătălin Cîrstoiu
Prof. dr. Cătălin Cîrstoiu MD, PhD is a Professor of Orthopedics and Traumatology and Dean of Medicine Faculty at "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest since 2016. Furthermore, he is the Chief of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Department at Bucharest Emergency University Hospital where he conducts an extensive surgical activity centered on bone defects reconstruction using various methods after tumor resection surgery, but also after failed total hip or knee arthroplasty and osteolysis caused by specific or nonspecific osteoarticular septic complications. From 2013 to 2015 Professor Cîrstoiu was the President of the Romanian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (SOROT) and since then he is the Romanian representative at the International Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (SICOT). The only Romanian orthopedic surgeon member of the European Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society (EMSOS) he is the founding member of the Romanian Society of Musculoskeletal Oncology (ROMSOS) and an European Examiner for the European Board of Orthopedics and Traumatology (EBOT) and European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology (EFORT). In the Orthopedics and Traumatology of Bucharest University Emergency Hospital Professor Cîrstoiu runs the national program for severe bone defects reconstruction. He is main author, coauthor and collaborator for ten medical specialty books, monographs and medical textbooks and also for an extensive number of original, in extenso articles published and indexed in Thomson-Reuters ISI, International Data Base or CNCISI.
Moldova State University

Prof. univ. dr. Victor Juc
Head of the Legal, Political and Sociological Research Institute, Moldova State University, doctor, professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, scientific profile International Relations. Professor Victor JUC is author of 310 scientific publications (monographs, chapters in collections, articles in scientific journals, materials of national and foreign scientific conferences). Scientific interests focus on international relations, European studies, security studies, the history of Romanian philosophical and socio-political thought. In particular, scientific interests are referring to post-cold war world order, and post bipolar international security architecture. A separate chapter is concerning the relations between the Republic of Moldova and some international intergovernmental organizations, with predilections for European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Professor Victor JUC is participant as coordinator and staff member in the realization of national and international scientific research projects between the Republic of Moldova and Romania, the Republic of Moldova and Italy.
Heads of The Scientific Committee of NATO-ARW

Professor Dr. Corina Silvia Pop

Professor Cristian Barna

Mr. Petre Min, PhD
Medical Section
Prof. univ. dr. Corina Silvia POP
Prof. univ. dr. Lucian NEGREANU
Prof. univ. dr. Horia BUMBEA
Asist. univ. Silvia NICA
Colonel (r) Ion APOSTOL
Andrei MARFIN, PhD
Foreign Relations & Security Studies Section
Prof. univ. dr. Dan DUNGACIU
Prof. univ. dr. Cristian BARNA
Prof. univ. dr. Natalia ALBU
Prof. univ. dr. Darie CRISTEA
Prof. univ. dr. Adrian LESENCIUC
Prof. univ. dr. Georgescu SERBAN
Nuclear & Radiological Safety Section
Petre MIN, PhD
Natalia PETROV, PhD
Bogdan Vamanu, PhD
Medical Section

Dr. Ion Apostol
Retired Medical Colonel, Public Health Management Direction, National Agency for Public Health, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova. Colonel Ion Apostol went into reserve from the position of Deputy Director of the Department of Emergency Situations under the Government of Moldova, being nominated in different civilian positions as Director of the National Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities. Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, Acting Minister if Environment. Fields of interest: radiation protection, nuclear and radiological safety and security; emergency preparedness and response to nuclear and radiological accidents. Dr. Apostol represents Republic of Moldova in coordination group of WHO’s REMPAN; represents the Ministry of Health in working groups responsible for elaboration of National Military Strategy, National Contingency Plan of emergency preparedness and response to nuclear and radiological emergencies. In 2002-2003 Dr. Ion Apostol activated as an inspector of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission in Irak.

Dr. Marc Benderitter
(PhD, h-index 38) Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire; Deputy Director of the Health Division; Head of the WHO Collaborating Centre-IRSN and the IAEA Capacity; Building Centre-IRSN for Medical preparedness and response to radiological and nuclear emergency Expert/Team leader of 9 IAEA medical assistance missions for radiological accident (Chili-2011, Bulgaria-2011, Peru-2012, Peru- 2014, South Africa-2018, Peru-2018, Georgia-2019, Thailand 2021, Peru-2022)

Dr. Lacramioara Bordea
Consultant in Emergency Medicine and specialist in Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, experienced doctor with demonstrated history of working in hospital and health care industry. Graduated Gr. T. Popa Faculty of Medicine and Stomatology, trained in Clinical Emergency Hospital Floreasca Bucharest, working in Emergency Department of University Emergency Hospital Bucharest since the foundation, the biggest and challenging department in România, level 1 hospital. Experience in teaching by leading as a director the program for continuing training in Emergency Medicine for doctors, and also in residency training activity.

Professor Horia Bumbea
MD, PhD; Professor; Senior Specialist in Haematology Blood and Marrow Transplant Unit Coordinator Vice-president of the College of Physicians in Bucharest, Romania; President of Romanian Association of Cytometry; Vice-president of Romanian Society of Haematology.

Professor Michel Bourgiugnon
French Medical Doctor (1978) specialist in nuclear medicine (1983), a PhD in Physics (1995) and a university Professor of Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine and Hospital Practitioner (1996). He is now Professor Emeritus of the University of Paris Saclay, medical director of INSERM UMR 1296 and Editor in chief of the peer review journal Radioprotection. From 1978 to 1980, Michel Bourguignon followed a post-doctoral research fellowship at the Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore, United States. In 2002, he became Deputy Head of the Nuclear safety authority (Autorité de sûreté nucléaire – ASN) and then nominated by the President of France as a ASN commissioner in 2006 till 2014. Michel Bourguignon has been active in different scientific bodies: SFMN, SFRP, EANM, UNSCEAR, ICRP. He is a French Delegate to the Scientific and Technical Committee of Euratom. Michel Bourguignon has published more than 150 scientific articles in peer review journals and 21 chapters for scientific books. He also holds 3 patents. In 1990 Michel Bourguignon was awarded the International Jean Debiesse Prize.

Dr. Zhanat Carr
More than 20 years of experience in the area of radiation protection, radiation health, and radiation emergencies preparedness, response, and recovery management with the focus on public health and medical aspects. As WHO’s focal point for matters pertaining to preparedness and response to radiation emergencies, Dr Carr was a technical lead for the WHO response to Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011. Today, she is leading the radio-nuclear hazards area of the Organization’s response to Ukraine crisis. Dr Carr coordinates two WHO global expert networks – Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance Network (REMPAN) since 2004 and BioDoseNet. Her work is related to development and implementation coordination of projects related to evidence-based health policy development (including norms, guides and recommendations and tools for capacity building), to strengthening countries preparedness for radiation emergencies through training and exercise, and to risk communication and advocacy.

Dr. Sergiu Cîrlan
Dr. Sergiu Cîrlan Medical Chief at “Alexandru cel Bun” Military Academy of the Republic of Moldova, and also university assistant at the Department of Military and Disaster Medicine "Nicolae Testemitanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova. Fields of interest: modern approaches to medical support planning in military operation; Medical management in disasters. Dr. Sergiu Cirlan is a graduate of the Doctoral School in Medical Sciences at the "Nicolae Testemitanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, Social Medicine and Management (2021); Strategic Health Management Course, Military Medical Institute, Bucuresti, Romania (2019); Postgraduate Training Course "Current Issues of National Security", Military Academy, Chisinau (2018); Medical Strategic Leadership Program Course, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, USA (2016); Medical Management of CBRN Casualties Course, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, USA (2010).

Dr. Caroline Clarinval
Head of WHO Country Office in Romania since August 2022. Prior to this, Caroline has led the WHO Office in Kazakhstan and managed the emergency operations for WHO in Ukraine. In her capacity as WHO Regional Adviser, Emergency Response and Operations, Caroline supported 14 countries and territories across the Middle Eastern Region responding to health emergencies, including Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Libya and Somalia. Serving for a decade in the International Committee of the Red Cross, Caroline assisted populations affected by conflict, managing large-scale relief operations in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. While working for the Federal Office of Public Health in Switzerland, Caroline was responsible for the national strategy on rare diseases and was a Member-State delegate to WHO. Caroline holds a PhD in Biomedical Ethics and Law, Master's degrees in Public Health and Human Rights Law. She also teaches biomedical ethics and humanitarian ethics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in London, at Kings College in London and at the University of Zurich.

Professor Anca Colita
University professor at the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Head of the Pediatric Clinic, Fundeni Clinical Institute, Manager of the Fundeni Clinical Institute. Medical activity in the field of pediatrics, especially pediatric hemato-oncology and bone marrow transplantation: - implementation of molecular diagnostic techniques in acute leukemias in children - implementation of minimal residual disease monitoring techniques in acute leukemias - performance of the first autologous, allogeneic transplant procedures with a related donor, allogeneic with an unrelated donor - the introduction of haploidentical transplantation in pediatric practice in Romania - the first use in Romania of treatment with bidirectional antibodies in acute leukemias in children - Creation of diagnostic, treatment and screening protocols in various pediatric conditions - Member appointed in the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Allotransplantation Commission from an unrelated donor from the Bucharest University Center-Vice-president of the Hematology-oncology-pediatric Commission of MS -Coordinator of the Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant program in I.C. Fundeni - member of the CNAS Commission for the approval of specific medical investigations (PETCT).

Dr. Cosmin Dugan
Geriatrics-Gerontology consultant, Bucharest University Emergency Hospital; resident in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, PhD student in Neurology, PhD National Security Policy Studies; Master in Medical and Clinical Engineering; International Relations and Geopolitics; Security and Information Analysis, Executive Director of the Black Sea University Foundation "Mircea Malița".

Dr. Nicolas Foray
Radiobiologist, Director of Research as Inserm, has a long experience in the field of the individual response to ionizing radiation. Since 2019, he is the director of an Inserm Unit devoted to the radiation research, the U1296 Unit «Radiation: Defense, Health and Environment », supported by Inserm, Health Service of French Army and University of Lyon. He has published more than 140 peer-reviewed papers. He is the coordinator to a National Scale radiobiology project (Future Investment National Projects) that focuses on individual radiosensitivity. He has also been and is coordinator or partner of a number of radiobiological studies. He is also involved as partner in EU projects related to ionizing radiation. He was President of the French Speaking Society of Radiobiology for 8 years. He is Editor in European Radiation Experimentals since 2017, Biomolecules since 2020, Radioprotection since 2022.

Dr. Silvia Gatscher
Pediatric neurosurgeon in the UK, Germany, and the US. After receiving her MBA from Hult International Business School in 2016, she became a consultant for the WHO Emergency Response Office (WHO EMRO). In this role, she supported relief projects in Northern Syria and later in Somalia. She then worked for the UNICEF Somalia and East Africa office as a health manager, supporting the capacity building of Somali government officials and helping to improve the resilience of East African health systems, so that these services can better withstand and cope with future stresses. As health operations manager for the WHO Poland country office she coordinated the Ukraine refugee response of national and international health partners in support of the Polish Ministry of Health and in her current position with WHO Romania she is supporting refugee response, emergency preparedness and BCA activities.

Professor Sergiy Klymenko
Head of the Center of Hematology, Hemoblastosis Chemotherapy and Bone Marrow Transplantation at "Feofaniya" Clinical Hospital of State Management of Affairs and Head of the Chair of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine in Kyiv, Ukraine. He serves as Main Hematologist and Expert Hematologist of Ministry of Health of Ukraine since 2014. He received his M.D. from the Kyiv Medical University, Ukraine (1991) and is certified in Hematology (1993) and Genetics (2015). He obtained his M.Sc. in Radiation Biology (2003), with distinction, from University College London, UK, and holds Ph.D. (2000) and Sc.D. (2006) in Hematology from Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Kyiv, Ukraine. His main research interests are myeloid malignancies and molecular genetics of radiation-induced tumors. He is author of more than 250 scientific publications in books, international and national scientific journals. He received Public Service Award from American Society of Transplantation and Cellular Therapy in 2023.

Dr. Andrei Marfin
Head of Outpatient Center of MoD. Andrei Marfin is also university assistant at the Department of Military and Disaster Medicine, "Nicolae Testemitanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova. Fields of interest: prehospital care of the military; medical management in disasters. Dr. Andrei Marfin is a graduate of the Doctoral School in Medical Sciences at the "Nicolae Testemitanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, Social Medicine and Management (2021); Postgraduate Training Course "Current Issues of National Security", Military Academy, Chisinau (2020); Managing Defence in the Wider Security Context Course, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (2019); Medical Strategic Leadership Program Course, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, USA (2014).

Professor Lucian Negreanu
Vice-Dean of International Cooperation, Professor of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology and IBD unit coordinator at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest, Romania, Head of Gastroenterology II Department at the Emergency University Hospital Bucharest. After graduating Carol Davila University, prof. Negreanu followed a formation in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology at the Emergency University Hospital in Bucharest. Mr. Negreanu completed stages of formation in Gastroenterology with Prof. E.H. Metman in Tours, France and several ESGE and WEO trainings in therapeutic endoscopy with dr. J.F. Rey, in St Laurent du Var, France. Mr. Negreanu’s interests are: Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, advanced endoscopy and capsule endoscopy, colon cancer screening and esophageal motility disorders. Mr. Negreanu is author and co-author of over 50 scientific articles in the field of gastroenterology with an HI of 19.

Associate Professor Silvia Nica
MD, PhD, Head of "Emergency Medicine and First Care" Discipline at the "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest. Since 2014, she is the Head of Emergency Department at the University Emergency Hospital of Bucharest. She contributed to the realization of numerous national projects for the training of medical personnel in the field of emergency medicine.

University lect. Carmen Orban
Head of the Anaesthesia-Intensive Care Department within the Bucharest University Emergency Hospital and from 2023 she was appointed State Counsellor within the Prime Minister's Chancellery. University lecturer Carmen Orban conducts PhD thesis since 2019. She has a vast managerial experience in the Romanian medical system with exceptional results. She was manager of the Clinical Emergency Hospital for Reparative Plastic Surgery and Burns between 2009 and 2011, Manager of the Fundeni Clinical Institute between 2011 and 2019, general director of the Monza private medical group. University lecturer Carmen Orban has published dozens of scientific articles, university manuals and reference books in the field of Anaesthesia-Intensive Care.

Dr. Simona Pârvu
Dr. Simona Pârvu, PhD, senior hygiene doctor, is the Head of the National Institute of Public Health and a Head of work at the Faculty of Medicine of the „Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMFCD) in Bucharest, the discipline of Hygiene and Medical Ecology. In the period 2021-2022 Dr. Simona Pârvu was chief physician, Bucharest Regional Public Health Center and in the period 2016-2019 he was Head of Service - State Sanitary Inspection, Ministry of Health.

Professor Catalina Poiana
University Professor, Head of the Endocrinology Discipline "C. I. Parhon", Faculty of Medicine, "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy; Primary physician endocrinologist, National Institute of Endocrinology "C. I. Parhon"; Vice-rector for postgraduate education, "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest since March 2016; President of the College of Doctors from the Municipality of Bucharest, since December 2015; Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences since 2017.

Professor Ray Powels
Head of Haemato-oncology and Bone Marrow transplantation at Nuffield Cancer Centre London UK and also Chairman of the European Blood and Marrow Transplant Society EBMT Nuclear Accident Committee. Mr. Powles has written 1200 published articles, papers and abstracts. He was on the WHO Post Cherobly1986 Protocol writing Committee in Oblinsk Russia. After the EBMT NAC formed in 2003, he was centrally involved with in the international response to the Fukushima disaster in 2011. He was a leader in the UK Resilience/Response planning and exercises for the possibility of a Terrorist Radiation Incident at the UK 2012 0lypics. More recently the EBMT NAC has had a key role in a collaboration with WHO (Zhanat Carr) and the Ukraine Haematology/BMT groups led by Prof Sergiy Klymenko, to establish lines of communication, and pragmatic pathways of responses to a major radiation incident in the Ukraine and how this might link with international assistance if needed. This work collaborates with key players particularly in France Germany Sweden the UK and the US, and is actively current work in progress.

Professor Corina Silvia Pop
Professor of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest - over twenty years of clinical and academic experience Medical Director of University Emergency Hospital Bucharest Secretary of State at Ministry of Health 2015-2018 Senior adviser of Ministry of Health Senior advisor health projects Ministry of European Funds Between 2015-2018 she coordinated National Health Programmes financed by European Social Funds EU Commision on Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases screening and prevention. Member of the Steering Group on Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Management of Non-Communicable Diseases SGPP DG-Sante European Commission Last but not least is the passion for knowledge, teaching and training young students and doctors in this unique and special profession.

Professor Alina Tanase
MD, PhD is head of the Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit of Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, Medical Director of Fundeni Clinical Institute, Vice President of the National Committee of Hematology of Ministry of Health and President of Romanian Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation. She graduated the Faculty of Medicine in Craiova in 1994; obtained the specialization in hematology in 1999, the super-specialization in bone marrow transplantation in 2003, the PhD title in 2004, and a postdoctoral scholarship in 2010. Prof. A. Tanase has received intensive training in bone marrow transplant in several centers, including Institute of Hematology Seràgnoli, Bologna, Italy, University Hospital of Regensburg, Germany and MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, University of Texas, the United States. The field of research activity is hematopoietic stem cell transplant, with emphasis on lymphomas and graft versus host disease. She succeeded to implement CAR-T therapies in adult patients in Fundeni Clinical Institute, in 2022, opening a new stage in the treatment of patients with malignant hemopathies.

Professor Masaharu Tsubokura
Department of Radiation Health Management, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine, Director, Research Center for Community Health, Minamisoma Municipal General Hospital, Fukushima. After the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in 2011, he worked with local municipalities in Fukushima, and played an important role in the establishment of the internal radiation exposure screening programs for the local residents. He is also a member of the committee on radiation protection and public health in Minamisoma and Soma Cities, and has actively sought to provide radiation seminars to the public, to respond to public worries about the effects of radiation exposure on health.

Professor Istvan Turai
Currently teaches "Radiobiology and Environmental Radiohygiene" at the Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences of the Eötvös Lóránd University (ELTE), Budapest. He reads lectures mainly in English and also in Hungarian, and takes exams of his PhD students residents of Hungary on one hand and arriving from different countries of Africa, S-America and Asia on the other hand, to complete their PhD studies. He is Hon.Sen.Scientific Advisor of Dept. for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene of the National Institute for Public Health (OKI), Budapest. Istvan contributes to Adult Education and International Education (as an invited lecturer). He is consultant of IAEA/IEC project on updating IAEA publications on Medical Preparedness and Response to Radiation Emergencies.

Professor Leif Stenke
University Professor and consultant at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and, also, president of the group of the national program for chronic myeloid leukaemia (LMC) in Sweden.
Foreign Relations & Security Studies Section

Mrs. Natalia Albu
Director, Strategic Research Centre of the Legal, Political and Sociological Research Institute, State University of Moldova Dr. Natalia Albu is also associate professor at the Military Academy of Armed Forces of the Republic of Moldova. Her fields of interest include: challenges and prospects of regional and international security environment; Black Sea regional security; current problems of national security policy, analysis and evaluation of vulnerabilities and threats; integration gender perspective in the security and defense sector. Dr. Albu was invited as a guest speaker at the GCMC Seminar on Regional Security. Natalia Albu holds a Diploma in Political Science and she is alumni of George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies (GCMC), Seminar on Regional Security (SRS 17-07), and alumni scholar of GCMC (2018); alumni of The Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, Advanced Security Cooperation course (ASC 19-02).

Mr. Davide Barbieri
Computer scientist with extensive professional, teaching and research experience in intelligence analysis and cybersecurity, especially in personal data protection. He worked at the European Commission for the evaluation of project proposals (ICT, Intelligence and Security). He holds a PhD in Biomedical Sciences (Ferrara, Italy), a MSc in Software Engineering (Oxford, UK) and a MEng in Information Technology (Modena, Italy). He is a chartered engineer and an Iraq veteran.

Professor Cristian Barna
Training Manager at Intelligene4ALL, visiting Professor at Babes Bolyai University from Cluj Napoca and Bucharest University and former Vice-Rector and PhD coordinator of Mihai Viteazul National Intelligence Academy from Bucharest. Cristian Barna holds a PhD in Sociology and his area of expertise are applied sociology, intelligence and security studies, geopolitics, security organizations, organized crime and terrorism studies.

Lieutenant colonel Lucian Boiuru
Chief of WMD Nonproliferation and Nuclear Consultation Office, National Military Command Center/Defence Staff. In his previous assignment, Lieutenant colonel Lucian Boiuru served as Chief of planning Office/S3 at 2nd Mountain Brigade, Romanian Land Forces. Lieutenant colonel Lucian Boiuru held various leadership and staff positions on CBRN Defence field at company, battalion and brigade level, all related to CBRN field. He is a graduate of the Romanian Land Forces Academy, class 2002 and of the Command and General Staff College at the Romanian National Defence Academy, class 2020. The officer has a wide experience in military operation planning, including in Afghanistan and multiple courses and exercises in multinational environmnent. Regarding the CBRN domain, in the last three years after graduating from the Command and General Staff College at the Romanian National Defence Academy, lieutenant colonel Lucian Boiuru acquired vast experience, being assigned to work as a Project Officer within multiple CBRN training activities including major interinstitutional exercises at the national or allied level oriented towards mitigating the effects of various CBRN events.

Professor Iulian Chifu
President of the Conflict Prevention and Early Warning Center Bucharest, since 2002. He is a professor at the National Defense University Bucharest and an associate professor to the National University for Political and Administrative Studies. He serves as advisor to the President of the Romanian Senate for foreign policy, security and strategic affairs. Between 2021-2023(July) he was State Counsellor for Foreign Affairs, Security and Strategic Affairs of the Romanian Prime-Minister. He acts now as Counsellor of the President of the Romanian Senate. Mr. Iulian Chifu is specialised in Conflict Analysis, Crisis Decision-making and Post/Conflict Reconstruction, Intelligence and National Security. He has a PhD in contemporary History of the International Relations in 2004 and one in Intelligence and National Security 2021. He conducts PhD thesis since 2022. He is author or co-author of more than 58 books and hundreds of articles. He is alumni of International Visitors Leadership Program, Conflict Prevention at the US State Department, Washington. He graduated Senior Course on Crisis Management and Civil Emergency Planning at the Institute for National Defense and Security Policy Studies, Swedish National Defense College, Stockholm. He graduated multiple high-level courses in Intelligence Analysis, Psychological operations and “Intelligence and Civil Society" at the Center for Civil-Military Relations, Naval Post-Graduate School, Monterrey, California.

Mrs. Ludmila Coada
Historian and Associate Professor at the Free International University of Moldova (ULIM), teaching courses on Regional History and Politics (Post-Soviet Eurasian Politics; European Integration; EU Foreign Policy; European Union Enlargement and Neighborhood, among others). Dr. Coada’s research interests and expertise include Bassarabian history/Bassarabian Zemstvo, Soviet and post-Soviet history and politics, European integration / European Union’s relations with the Eastern neighbors, politics of memory and historical politics. Ludmila Coada currently coordinates the Center for European Studies at ULIM which promotes Moldova’s European Integration and provides an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning of European history, politics, policies, and societies. Between 2015-2020, Dr. Coada served as the Director of the Doctoral School in Humanities, Political and Communication Sciences, from 2013 to 2014 - as Vice Provost for Research at the Free International University of Moldova, and from 2007 to 2014 - as Dean of the Faculty of History and International Relations. For the period 2010-2011, Dr. Coada had been a Fulbright Scholar at IERES/ George Washington University in Washington, DC.

Associate Professor Darie Cristea
Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work of the University of Bucharest and scientific researcher at the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations (Romanian Academy). He is also a project coordinator at Inscop Research. Author or co-author of several volumes and articles, both scientific and for the general public. At the University of Bucharest, he teaches courses in Political Sociology, Sociological Research Methods and Techniques and Security Studies Methodology.

General (r) Ştefan Dănilă
Military pilot and retired general (four stars). General Dănilă has previously served as Chief of the General Staff of the Romanian Army (2011 - 2014) and the first aviation general that held this position. General Dănilă also served as State Counselor and Head of the Defense Department at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Romania (2015-2016) and military adviser of the Minister of National Defense (2016-2017). General Dănilă has been awarded the National Order "Steaua României" in the rank of Officer; the Order of "Aeronautical Virtue" in the rank of Commander; Emblem of the Romanian Army's Honor; Emblem of Honor of the General Staff. He has also been awarded with l’Ordre de Légion d'Honneur in the rank of officer (France) and the Medal "Consolidarea Frăției de Arme" (Republic of Moldova).

Professor Dan Dungaciu
Professor at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work of the University of Bucharest, director of the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations of the Romanian Academy and President of the Black Sea University Foundation. He studied and worked as associate researcher in many Western academic institutions: Fernand Braudel Institute (Binghamton, USA), Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Study (Erfurt), Department of Political Sciences and Public Administration – Law, Economics and Political Sciences School of Athens, Central European University (Budapest), Department of Social Sciences – Great Britain, Polytechnic University (Cambridge), Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (Vienna, Austria), Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Halle), Triangle Research Center (North Carolina) etc. In the year 2006 held the position of Under-secretary of State at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Romania, and in 2009-2010 he held the position of president adviser for European integration for the president of Moldova.

Mr. Cristian Marcel Felea
Former intelligence manager within Romanian Intelligence Service, focused on energy, energy policy and hybrid threats (the use of energy as a weapon). Mr. Felea is also former security manager, head of department at the Nuclearelectrica and acting publicist and columnist at HotNews and RepublikaNews, documenting and publishing analyzes on energy policies and asymmetric and hybrid conflicts and also a trainer in the Intelligence4All Project. Mr. Felea had graduated from the University of Petroșani, the only polytechnic university center in Romania that trains engineers in the mining field, where he had completed bachelor, master and doctorate courses in mining engineering. He is also an alumnus of "Carol I" National Defense University and "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy.

Professor Șerban Georgescu
Șerban Georgescu is the director of the Department of Asian Studies at the Romanian-American University (since 2013), and the coordinator of the Center for Romanian-Japanese Studies "Angela Hondru" (since 2005). He teaches business communication with Asian partners at the Faculty of International Business (RAU), and was an expert advisor at the Faculty of European Economic Studies at the same university.

Mr. Marin Gherman
Director of the Institute of Political Studies and Social Capital (Cernăuți, Ukraine), doctor of political sciences, lecturer at the "Ștefan cel Mare" University in Suceava (Romania). In 2010 had graduated with honors from the "Iuri Fedkovici" National University in Cernăuți, and in 2014 had defended his doctoral thesis, with the research topic "Theories of social capital in the study of European integration processes within post-socialist societies (case study Ukraine, Romania)". Mr. Gherman is columnist at the newspaper "Libertatea" and "Veridica", Founding President of the BucPress Media Center, which includes four Romanian-language media outlets: BucPress News Agency, Radio Chernauti, BucPress TV and BucPress magazine. He is also Deputy Editor-in-chief at the history and culture magazine "Glasul Bucovinei" (Cernăuți - Bucharest) and Member of the Union of Writers from the Republic of Moldova and the Society of Romanian Writers from Cernăuți.

Professor Niculae Iancu
Former Rector at the National Intelligence Academy and currently is President of Integrated Intelligence, Defence and Security Solutions Association (I2DS2) in Bucharest. Mr. Iancu also serves as Constanta's Vice-President of the Board for the Maritime Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence (MARCYSCOE). Mr. Iancu is also affiliated with InnovX as Chief Strategy Officer and a mentor, focusing on strategy, risk management, and business and competitive intelligence. Apart from these roles, Mr. Iancu is an expert in national security with extensive experience in intelligence, defense, and related policy-making and an educator, teaching subjects like Security Studies, Strategic Studies, and Risk Management. Mr. Iancu’s expertise spans areas like national security policy, strategic planning, NATO, the European Union, and regional and global security. Mr Iancu's interests cover world politics, overarching strategic approaches, global and regional security, cybersecurity, and defense and security research and innovation.

Mr. Marius Ilie
General manager, UX/UI designer, programmer and analyst of a web development and advertising company. Mr. Ilie has the opportunity to use a variety of technologies to develop and implement digital solutions for both clients from various countries and partners company. In parallel with professional activity, Ilie Marius develops his knowledge and skills in the field of security studies, from 2021 to 2023 attending and graduating "Security Studies" Master's program within the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Bucharest University. Mr. Ilie is passionate about exploring and understanding the phenomenon of disinformation, approaching it from multiple perspectives, including from the perspective of security and intelligence, and applying the sociological knowledge acquired during his studies.

Professor Adrian Lesenciuc
Professor of Communication and Military Sciences in the Department of Fundamental Sciences and Dean of the Faculty of Air Systems Security at ‘Henri Coandă’ Air Force Academy in Brașov, Romania. His major interest in research concerns intercultural communication and communication in military and security sciences. He published numerous articles inacademic journals. He designed the international conference Redefining Community in Intercultural Context (starting with 2011), quoted in important scientific databases. Recent publications include: Hybrid Warfare or the return through doctrinal dissimulation to absolute war (2023); The Theory of Concept-Holes (2020); The Romanian Military Thinking under Clausewitzian Influence (2019); Theories of Communication, 3rd edition (2017); Information Warfare (2016); Intercultural Communication within the Romanian Village (2015), Communicative Foundation of Military Sciences (first author) (2013). Adrian Lesenciuc is also a Romanian writer, president of the Brașov branch of the Romanian Writers Union, author of many books of novels, poetry and essays.

Brigadier General (r) Vitalie Marinuța
Former Rector at the National Intelligence Academy and currently is President of Integrated Intelligence, Defence and Security Solutions Association (I2DS2) in Bucharest. Mr. Iancu also serves as Constanta's Vice-President of the Board for the Maritime Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence (MARCYSCOE). Mr. Iancu is also affiliated with InnovX as Chief Strategy Officer and a mentor, focusing on strategy, risk management, and business and competitive intelligence. Apart from these roles, Mr. Iancu is an expert in national security with extensive experience in intelligence, defense, and related policy-making and an educator, teaching subjects like Security Studies, Strategic Studies, and Risk Management. Mr. Iancu’s expertise spans areas like national security policy, strategic planning, NATO, the European Union, and regional and global security. Mr Iancu's interests cover world politics, overarching strategic approaches, global and regional security, cybersecurity, and defense and security research and innovation.

Mr. Adrian Parlog
Mr. Adrian Parlog Former Deputy Director of Military Intelligence Directorate and Defense Attache in the Kingdom of Norway and currently President of Integrated Corporate Strategic Services and Visiting Professor at Academy of Economic Studies and “Carol I” National Defense University from Bucharest. Mr. Parlog holds a PhD from “Carol I” National Defense University, and post-graduate course in Modeling and simulation of economic and social phenomena and Cybernetics and Statistics and trainning courses in Intelligence and Democracy – The Center for Civil Military Relations - Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, International Intelligence Director's Course, Defense Intelligence and Security School, Center for Defense Studies and King's College London, UK, Black Sea Security Program, Harvard University/John F. Kennedy School of Government, Boston, USA and Intelligence analysis course – Defense Intelligence Service, UK.

Mr. Ovidiu Raetchi
Ovidiu Raețchi is a doctor in history (Faculty of History of the University of Bucharest) and a doctor in political science (SNSPA). He holds a master's degree in Arabic Culture (Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures of the University of Bucharest) and a master's degree in Jewish Civilization (Faculty of Letters of the University of Bucharest). From February 2022, Ovidiu Raețchi holds the rank of Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as president of the Euro-Atlantic Center for Resilience. Previously, he was vice-president of the Committee for Defense, Public Order and National Security in the Chamber of Deputies and deputy in the Romanian Parliament for the Diaspora (2012-2016), respectively for Bucharest (2016-2020). Columnist for Libertatea, Adevărul, Digi 24 and

Mr. Mykhailo Samus
Chief of The New Geopolitics Research Network, an independent and nonpartisan initiative and director, New Geopolitics Research Network (Ukraine). After 20 years in media as well as in security and defence analysis and consultancy, Mykhailo is an experienced researcher in the sphere of international relations, national resilience and new generation warfare. Served 12 years in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, he gained his Master’s Degree in International Journalism from the Institute of Journalism, Kyiv Shevchenko National University, Ukraine (2007). Having started his career as a journalist at Defense Express Magazine, he became the Editor-in-Chief of the Export Control Newsletter Magazine, and then the Deputy Director of the Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies. He was the founder (2009) of the EU CACDS office in Prague (Czech Republic), and was the member of the editorial border of the CACDS Analytical Bulletin Challenges and Risks.

Dr. Vasile Simileanu
Former intelligence specialist in Ministry of Defense from Romania, Founding President of the Ion Conea Geopolitics Association and Founding director and editor GeoPolitica Magazine. Mr Simileanu is also Visiting professor at the Military Technical Academy, National Defense College, Yuriy Fercovich University Chernivtsi and Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest. Mr. Simileanu holds a PhD from Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest with the thesis "Geopolitics of Islamic Space" and he also graduated Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Communication and Public Relations, National School of Political and Administrative Studies, and Military School of Engineering, Construction and Railways.

Professor Andriy Stavytskyy
Dr Hab in Economics, Professor of Economic Cybernetics Department at Economic Faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, National Expert on Higher Education Reform in the Bologna Process, Member of the Scientific and Methodological Council and ECTS Coordinator of University. Visiting professor at Edinburgh Business School, Vilnius University (Lithuania). Editor of the journal "Ekonomika" (Lithuania) and reviewer of economic journals in Ukraine and worldwide. Author of more than 150 scientific papers, 30 textbooks, manuals, monographs. Areas of research interests: economic security of the state, geopolitics, economic and mathematical modelling, econometric forecasting, information systems in economics, microeconomic modelling, methods of machine learning, reform of higher education in Ukraine within the Bologna process. Teaches courses: "Economic information processing systems", "Econometrics", “Economics for Business”, "Modeling of microeconomic processes", "Economics", "Econometric Analysis", "Quantitative methods", "Applied microeconometrics", etc.

Brigadier General (r) Vitalie Stoian
War veteran, awarded the Military Merit Medal, Order of the Faith of the Fatherland class III and the Medal for Bravery, National Army distinctions, foreign countries distinctions. Mr. Stoian is Former Commander of the National Army of Republic of Moldova and Acting Head of Military Training Department, Technical University of Moldova He had performed several military missions such demining of the Republic of Moldova national territory in the period 1994-2008, peacekeeping mission in the security zone of the Republic of Moldova, mine clearance mission in Pohrebea and demining missions as part of the Multinational Forces in Iraq in Tikrit, Asraf and Mosul. Mr.Stoian had graduated Military High School, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Higher Military School of Command of Engineer Troops, Kamenets-Podolskii, Ukraine, National Defence University, Bucharest, Romania, Academy of Public Administration, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.

Dr. Veaceslav Ungureanu
Doctor in Political Science, Leading Scientific Researcher within the Center for Political Researches and International Relations of the Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research of the State University of Moldova. He is participating actively in national and international scientific projects. The spheres of scientific interest: geopolitics, securitology, international relations, European integration, Euro-Atlantic integration, international organizations, foreign policy of the Great Powers. Dr. Veaceslav Ungureanu is author of more than 60 scientifical works, including 2 monographies. He attended over 40 national and international scientifical conferences and workshops. Dr. Veaceslav Ungureanu is member of the editorial board of the Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science Journal of the Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research of the State University of Moldova and an assessment expert in the research and innovation field at the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research.
Nuclear & Radiological Safety Section

Mr. Cantemir Ciurea-Ercau
Mr. Ciurea is the President of the Romanian Nuclear Regulatory Authority in nuclear field, the National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control. Mr. Ciurea graduated from the Power Engineering Faculty, University “POLITEHNICA” of Bucharest, Romania with a B.Sc. degree in Power Generation Systems in 1996, followed in 1997 by a M.Sc. degree in Computed Aided Modelling of Power Generation Systems. Between 1996 and 2000 he was working as engineer within the Energy Research and Modernization Institute (ICEMENERG) and from 2000 he begins his career in nuclear field within the Nuclear Regulatory Body, CNCAN, as a safety analyst until 2004, followed by Head of the Nuclear Safety Section from 2004 until 2009 and Director of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Division from 2009 till 2021. In February 2021 he was appointed as Interim President of CNCAN and from January 2022 until now he is President of CNCAN, acting as State Secretary.

Mr. Cosmin Ghita
Cosmin Ghita is a graduate of Bates College in the United States of America, majoring in international political economy. He started his career in the USA in Chevron, Washington, then contributing to the company's efforts in Romania. In the period 2015-2017, he was a partner in the private energy investment fund Amerocap, based in New York, supporting transactions and efforts to attract capital in the field of energy and mineral resources, in Romania, Ukraine and Great Britain. He later held the position of adviser to the Prime Minister of Romania on energy security and energy policy issues. Since September 2017, he holds the position of General Director within Nuclearelectrica. Mr. Cosmin Ghita is the first Romanian elected to the Main Governing Board of the World Association of Nuclear Operators, contributing to the fulfillment of the objectives of this international association of strengthening nuclear security and nuclear security culture.

Mr. Alexandr Goteanschii
Chief of the Radiologic and Chemical Control Service, General Inspectorate of the Border Police, the Republic of Moldova. Mr. Alexandr Goteanschii is professional military, over 30 years of experience in border protection, surveillance and control. Was graduated by National Academy of Border Guards, Khmelnitsky, Ukraine (1999) and later completed specialized Border Guard/Military Master’s Degree (2007). Fields of activity: detection, deterrence and interdiction of illegal traffic of radioactive and nuclear materials; interdiction of illegal traffic of chemical materials; nonproliferation of the weapons of mass destruction. Mr. Goteanschii is responsible officer for cooperation with DOE/NSDD, IAEA, Interpol in the field of radiologic security at the border. Also, he is the DOE/NSDD certified trainer for radiation detection handheld, mobile and portal equipment.

Mrs. Valeriia Hesse
Non-resident fellow at the Odesa Centre for Nonproliferation (OdCNP), a research consultant at Open Nuclear Network (ONN), and a management and research consultant at Atomic Reporters (AR). She specialises in international organisations and regimes in nuclear nonproliferation, analyses Russia’s nuclear policy as well as the potential future scenarios for risk reduction, nonproliferation, arms control, and disarmament. Ms. Hesse was a visiting researcher at the James Martin Centre for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS), a consultant at the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS), and an intern at the Division of Concepts and Planning at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Department of Safeguards and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. She obtained her Master’s degree in Nonproliferation and International Security from the University of Georgia (USA) and has a Bachelor’s and a Master’s in International Relations from Odesa I.I. Mechnykov National University (Ukraine).

Mr. Roland Kovács
Senior Adviser at Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (from 2019). I have 21 years military experience. I used my Chemical engineer and Environmental engineer degrees within the Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Defense area. I have experience on: Planning education and training; Predicting and analyzing Hazards; Using Emergency Response Guide; Decontamination; Radiation detection; Working with radioactive isotopes; Teaching and instructing; Early Warning and Reporting Systems; Document controlling; Exercise Planning. Specialties: Long experience in team work in a multinational and multicultural environment.

Mr. Găină Mihăiță
Experience in the public and private sector in the field of environmental protection, management of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, alternative energies, protected areas and projects with external financing and projects with European financing. Consultant, member of project teams and project manager within environmental projects with non-refundable financing from public funds. Experience in environmental project management and evaluation various aspects related to the impact of development on the environment. Experience in the legislative field: a senatorial mandate (2008-2012) and two mandates as deputy (2012-2020), member of the labor and social protection commissions. Legislative initiatives in the field environment and health at work. Expert evaluator of risk, health and safety at work. Auditor in field of quality and quality management systems.

Mr. Petre Min
Mr. Min is a nuclear power plants engineer, with an MSc in radiation protection and nuclear safety and a PhD in NPP accident management and 19 years working experience. His duties at the regulatory authority included the coordination of Emergency Preparedness and Response activities, implementation of Emergency Preparedness and Response projects, elaboration of regulatory requirements in Emergency Preparedness and Response, Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety, elaboration of plans and procedures, national representation at international organizations (EC, IAEA). Over the years Mr. Min has participated in numerous international activities and projects in the area of RP and EPR, being the CNCAN representative in EU “Heads of European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities (HERCA)”, and at the IAEA Emergency Preparedness and Response Standards Committee (EPReSC). Since 2019 he is an IAEA external consultant supporting projects from the Technical Cooperation Program.

Mr. Bharat Patel
Works as a policy offer in DG ENERGY of the European Commission in Luxembourg, where he is in the unit dealing with nuclear safety, radiation protection matters at the European level.

Mrs. Natalia Petrov
Principal officer at General Inspectorate of Border Police is carrying out the service duties in the field of radiological and chemical control at the border as well as ensuring the implementation of national legislation in the field by the border units. Participation in seminars, institutional and interinstitutional work groups in the field of radiological and chemical control at the border. Provide trainings as well as on the job trainings in the field of radiological and chemical control at the border. Fields of interest: challenges and prospects of regional and international security environment; Black Sea regional security; current problems of national security policy in the field of detecting and combating radiological and nuclear trafficking. Mrs. Petrov holds a Diploma in Chemistry the State University of the Republic of Moldova, and Diploma Master’s in Chemistry the University of the Science Academy of the Republic of Moldova.

Mr. Dan Serbanescu
Nuclear safety and risk specialist at Nuclearelectrica and Director of Engineering and Safety at Ropower. His background is nuclear physics and nuclear engineering, with PhD on nuclear engineering and worked on risk, safety and emergency planning for large and small reactors. He has experience in security of energy supply and more than four decades in all nuclear fields at various executive and managerial positions, of which half in Romania, connected with CANDU and recently NUSCALE and half abroad, as PRA project manager of PBMR Ltd in South Africa and as European Commission nuclear staff member in JRC and DG ENER. He is scientific secretary of the Division of Logic and Models of the Romanian Academy and member EREDA. He has academic experience and is author/coauthor of more than 50 papers and of several books on safety, risk and models in complex energy systems, including nuclear.

Mrs. Lyudmila Simeonova
Head of Emergency Planning and Preparedness Division in Nuclear Regulatory Agency, Bulgaria. She has worked on CBRN Planning and Preparedness field since 2001. From 2008 until 2017 Ms Simeonova works as a Head of CBRN Sector in Fire Safety and Civil protection General Directorate in MoI and responsible for development of the national emergency plan and CBRN operational procedures; Management of radiological and nuclear incidents; Organization and conduction of Training of first responders. She is a NATO civil expert of Management of consequences in case of radiological emergency since 2012. Ms Simeonova has participated as a trainer in a couple of training of first responders under the NATO CBRN training curriculum program. In 2017 Ms Lyudmila Simeonova was appointed Head of Emergency Planning and Preparedness Division in Nuclear Regulatory Agency. She has a Masters’s degree from Sofia University “St. KlimentOhridski”, specialty Chemistry and Masters’s degree from Sofia University “St. KlimentOhridski”, speciality nuclear physics.

Mr. Stephen L. (Steve) Sugarman
Vice President and Corporate Health Physicist for SummitET (Summit Exercises and Training), has been working in the health physics field for more than 35 years. He is certified by the American Board of Health Physics and has a master’s degree in Safety Education and Service from the University of Tennessee. His primary areas of interest are the integration of health physics into radiation emergency response and improving communications as they relate to radiological incidents. Prior to coming to SummitET, Steve was the Health Physics Project Manager for REAC/TS, where during his 18 years of service he responded to numerous real-world radiation events. With numerous peer-reviewed publications to his credit, Steve has provided training or invited lectures on radiation emergency response throughout the US and in over 20 foreign countries..

Mr. Gareth Thomas
Professional lead/ head for the department for regulation of radiation protection at 35 nuclear sites in the UK. Gareth is also chair of the Chair of the Heads of European Radiation protection Competent Authorities (HERCA) Working Group on Emergencies (WGE) which consists of emergency planning experts from all European regulators. Gareth has been a radiation protection and emergency planning regulator for 23 years where he has experience of most radiological and nuclear practices. He is the UK representative for radiation protection at IAEA, EC and HERCA and played a role in developing both the IAEA and EC Basic Safety Standards Directives. He supports development of UK legislation and has participated in IAEA IRRS Missions to help other countries strengthen and enhance the effectiveness of their regulatory infrastructure for nuclear, radiation, radioactive waste and transport safety.

Mr. Alexandru Toma
Strategy and Development Director – Technologies for Nuclear Energy State-Owned Company (RATEN), Piteşti (Romania). Throughout his career at RATEN, Mr. Toma has been involved in numerous projects as coordinator or technical expert, including worker radiation exposure evaluation projects; with over 35 years of experience in the field, he currently holds the position of Strategy and Development Director of RATEN, being chiefly responsible for the coordination of RATEN’s R& D strategy development and for monitoring its implementation. He ensures the necessary scientific and technical support for all research and development projects carried out at RATEN’s nuclear and radiological facilities. He represents RATEN in relation to the European Commission, within the framework of EURATOM projects. Level III CNCAN practice permit, Radiological Protection Expert – Nuclear Reactors and Environmental Protection. PhD in Physics, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics. BS in Technological Physics, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics.

Mr. Bogdan I. Vamanu
Researcher with ‘Horia Hulubei’ National Institute for Research and Development in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania. He is holding an MSc in Intelligent Systems and a PhD in Industrial Engineering, which he earned in 2007. Dr. Vamanu has an extensive track record within the Department of Life and Environmental Physics at NIPNE, where he acted as a Modeler and IT developer within the projects engaged with by the Environment group, having as main reserch topics the health and environmental impact of man- made activities and natural events, with focus on societal Nuclear and Chemical risks and vulnerability assessment. On the same topics of safety, risks, and vulnerability, Dr. Vamanu activated over the years at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH-Zurich or the European Commission Joint Research Centre. Dr. Vamanu build a solid expertise in the design and development of integrated Decision Support Systems.

Mr. Cristian Vizitiu
Head of Space Applications for Human Health and Safety Department, Institute of Space Science, Bucharest Magurele, Romania and Associate Professor in Systems Engineering related disciplines. With an engineering background in vehicle based engineering, a Master of Business Administration (MBA), and an international master in complex system architectures certified by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cristian Vizitiu has gained his first PhD title within Systems Engineering (SE) methodology according to space working standards (ESA ECSS, INCOSE) and now in the course of fulfilling the 2nd PhD Programme in Computer Science and Information Technologies in human performance applications. Involved in numerous national and international R&D projects, Cristian Vizitiu performs in designing and developing integrated applications with space related technologies and expertise for space or terrestrial use, as telemedicine, countermeasures for human spaceflight, assistive technologies, as well contributes in experiments within Ground-Based Analogs for Human Spaceflight.